Sanitation & Hygiene

According to Census 2011, 11.3 per cent of the Bihar state’s population resides in urban areas. As per estimates of the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), 13.2 lakh persons (20.2 per cent of the state's urban population) are living below the poverty line. One of the major causes of poor health conditions in rural areas is the absence of basic amenities like lack of safe drinking water and sanitation. In Bihar, 75.8% of homes have no toilet facilities (Census 2011). Some 49% of the households without a toilet wanted one for “safety and security” for women and children, according to a study by Population Service International (PSI), Monitor Deloitte and Water for People.
BAUSS is providing individual toilet facilities at houses to the needy families and create awareness among the rural people regarding sanitation practices. As a result, there is reduction in unhygienic sanitation practices which causes various types of diseases especially among the females. We constructed more than 5,500 toilets and beneficiary families are able to use in their daily lives. Hygiene kits are being distributed among the students in the rural schools to promote safe and hygiene practices in day to day life.